Bootcamp 4 Week Block W/C 15th October

Monday Bootcamp

30min partner AMRAP

  • 50 press ups

  • 40 kB swings

  • 30 box jumps

  • 20 burpees

  • 10 plank ups

    After each movement - in sync

  • 20 air squats

  • 20 sit ups

    After each round - run 200m

    Tuesday Circuit Training

    Warm up:

    Alt tabata

  • Air squat

  • Sit ups

    45s on each station with 15s finisher after each:

    1. MB Russian twists
    2. Burpee box jump
    3. DB alt arm snatch
    4. Press up 90degree turns
    5. Long jump lap
    6. BB back squat
    7. BB shoulder press
    8. KB swing
    9. DB alt arm clean and press
    10. TRX body row

    Repeat circuit x 3
    1. Air variation
    2. Mountain climbers
    3. Down ups

    Wednesday bootcamp

    In teams of 3

    30min max cal bike/ ski

    1 partner always on cals

    Whilst partner 2 + 3 work through chipper

  • 100 alt leg lunges

  • 80 KB swings

  • 60 abmat sit-ups

  • 40 DB alternating snatch

  • 20 burpee plate GTOH

    must rotate partners every 2 minutes