Bootcamps (4 week block starting 30th April)

Monday Bootcamp

A) Pairs Tabata

20s/10s x 4 rounds per movement

  1. Back Squat & Mountain Climbers 
  2. Push Press & Press ups
  3. Bicep Curl & Burpees 

B) 20min AMRAP in pairs

Split reps evenly

  • 40 weighted sit ups
  • 40 KB swings
  • 40 box jumps / steps
  • 40 KB SDHP
  • RUN 200m together after each round 

Wednesday Bootcamp

Partner workout

A- 15min AMRAP
50 box jump overs
200m run
50 DB front rack alt leg lunge
200m run
50 burpee to plate
200m run
50 medball sit-ups
200m run
- both partners must run 100m each
- Split all work as needed

B- 15min AMRAP
50 KB swings
100 skips
50 tricep dips on box
100 skips
50 press-ups
100 skips
50 DB alt arm snatch
100 skips
- Both partners must complete 50 skips each

C- Core blast: 
10min EMOM x2 Rounds
1- 45s alt leg v ups
2- 45s heel taps
3- 45s mountain climbers
4- 45s leg lowers
5- 45s plank hold 

Thursday Bootspin

R1 - 3 stations - 4 exercises per station - 1min work, 30sec rest.

    •    Lat Pull
    •    Calf Raises
    •    Press ups
    •    M/climbers

S2- Barbell
    •    Shoulder Press
    •    Bicep Curls
    •    Lunges
    •    Tricep Extension

S3 - Bike
    •    Seated Sprint
    •    Standing Climb
    •    Seated Sprint
    •    Standing Climb

1 min rest between stations all 3 are completed

50 - Sec Seated Sprint
50 - weighted Squats
50 - Sit-ups
then 40,30,20,10 of each