W/C 11/11/2019 (4 Week Block)

Monday Bootcamp

Warm up – 20s/10s x 2 rounds

Air Squat

Squat Hold

Press ups

Plank hold

Sit ups

Hollow hold

Remembrance Day Partner Workout

0-10min – 1918m Row / Run / Ski

When complete – rest and set up for workout below

20min AMRAP – alternating movements with partner

11 Squat jumps

11 Box jumps / steps

11 KB swing

11 Press up release

11 Plate sit ups

11 Plank ups

11 Plate GTOH

After each round = 5 SYNC down ups


Warm up


Air Squat

Press up

Sit up


6min Max Reps - Alternating partners every 45s

1- Max Distance Row/Ski

2- Burpee Box Jumps

3- DB OH Lunge


5- BB Thruster

6- TRX Mountain Climbers

Wednesday Bootcamp

Partner workout

Rolling clock:

0-8min- Alternating rounds:

- 6 OH plate lunge

- 5 Plate GTOH

- 4 burpee to plate

8-10min REST

10-15min- max cal bike erg/ AB

- must switch every 30secs

15-17min REST

17-25min- AMRAP: (split as needed)

- 30 alt DB snatch

- 20 sync sit-ups

- 10 single arm DB devils press

@ 4min both complete 50 sync air squats

25-27min REST

27-32min Max cal ski/ row

- must switch every 30secs

Thursday Bootspin

Warm up: 4min AMRAP

10 plank shoulder taps

15 sit ups

10 press ups

15 air squats

Circuit - going 60sec work, 15sec rest x 2

  1. Seated Sprint

  2. Box Jumps

  3. Jumps - 2 count

  4. Plate GTOH

  5. Jump & Hover - 2 count

  6. MB sit ups

  7. Seated Climb

  8. MB push press

  9. Standing Climb

  10. KB goblet squat

R1 finisher - P1 = 40sec sprint /P2 = 40sec press up variation

R2 finisher - P1 = 40sec heavy sprint / P2 = 40sec rebound squat jumps