Monday Bootcamp
Split Class in half A/B
A) 12min AMRAP - In Pairs
40 Sit Ups
40 KB Swings
40 Box Jumps
40 Burpees
*split as needed*
B) 12 min Circuit -
Move stations every minute x 2 rounds
1. Box Bunny Hops
2. TRX Squat Jumps
3. Elbow Plank
4. DB Snatch
5. Hanging Knee Raises
6. Ski
Tuesday Circuits
A)Warm up:
10 KB reps on each
Russian Swings
Push Press
Goblet Squat
repeat x 2
B) Circuit
In teams of 2: 5 min ladder
10 Cals +10 Sync air squats
10 BB Back squats + 10 Sync press ups
10 Box jumps + 10 Sync lunges
10 KB SDHP+ 10 Sync Sit ups
10KB GTOH + 10 Sync pommel jumps
10 TRX Body rows + 10 sync Burpees
Wednesday Bootcamp
A- Individual Accessory Circuit:
Going 40:20 REST x2 rounds
- BB bicep curls
- KB reverse lunge
- BB Strict press
- KB Romanian deadlift
- BB bent over row
- KB squat pulses
B- Team Conditioning:
15min AMRAP (split as needed)
- 30 plate GTOH
- 10 burpees to plate
- 30 OH plate lunge
- 10 burpees to plate
- 30 plate sit-ups
- 10 burpees to plate
Every 3min both partners complete a 100m plate run
Thursday Bootspin
Warm up:
Bodyweight TABATA
Each station 45son: 15s off Repeat x2
GROUP 1 - Bike
Seated sprint Standing sprint
Jumps - 2 Hovers -2
Seated climb Standing climb
GROUP 2 - Bodyweight
Squat jumps Lunges
Plank hold Mountain climbers
Sit ups Bicycles
GROUP 3 - Odd object
KB swing KB single arm switch
Box Jumps Burpee box jumps
Slam ball slams Lateral ball slams
Saturday Bootcamp
Warm up:
Air squat
sit up
6 min max reps - alternating partners every 45s
TRX mountain climbers
Burpee box jumps
DB lunges
BB Thrusters
Max distance row / ski