Monday 19th April
10min EMOM - going 40s on : 20s rest
Min 1 - left arm strict press
Min 2 - left rack squat
Min 3 - left arm KB swing
Min 4 - left arm SDHP
Min 5 - left arm clean and press
Min 6-10 repeat exercises on right arm
5min grip development
15s round the world
30s Russian Swing
15s rest
Repeat x 5
15min AMRAP
On 0, 5 & 10 perform a 200m run
35 KB swings
20 Down ups
35 KB Thruster
20 BW lunges
20 Burpees
Tuesday 20th April
20/20/20 - 30secs rest
1- left lat raise/right lat raise/strict press
2- left leg lunge/right leg lunge/B squat
3- left arm fly/right arm fly/floor press
4- left front/right front/upright row
5- left R lunge/right R lunge/F squat
6- left R fly/right R fly/bent over row
Repeat x 2
5min AMRAP Ladder (up in 5’s)
5 weighted sit ups
5 leg lowers
5 Russian twists
For time:
50 hang clean and press
25 squat jumps
10 Burpee over bar
40 hang clean and press
20 squat jumps
8 Burpee over bar
30 hang clean and press
15 squat jumps
6 Burpee over bar
20 hang clean and press
10 squat jumps
4 Burpee over bar
10 hang clean and press
5 squat jumps
2 Burpee over bar
Wednesday 21st April
DB HIIT intervals
Floor press
Bent over row
Devil press
Complete all the above on left arm before switching to right arm.
I.e. 45:15 Left / 45:15 right etc
B) grab a buddy and work through
50 air squats in sync
8 Alt rounds of
9 DB Goblet Squat
6 DB Goblet Lunge
3 Burpees
50 sit ups in sync
8 Alt rounds of
8 DB left arm push press
8 DB right arm push press
8 press up
50 down ups in sync
Thursday 22nd April
Circuit style
Every carries their own KB around the circuit
KB swings
Box jumps
KB squats
Walk out press ups
Mountain Climbers
KB alt arm clean and press
Wall walks
KB alt arm devil press
TRX body row
3 times rounds of 45:15
After each round complete
200m run
15 Burpees
As fast as possible
Friday 23rd April
3x10 min AMRAPS
Workout A
Buy in
200m run
10 sync down ups
30 KB Full Swings
30 KB Goblets
30 KB Lunges
workout B
Buy in
200m run
10 sync squat jumps
30 Russian swings
30 Push Press
30 Press Ups
Workout C
200m run
10 sync burpees
30 Snatches
30 KB Thrusters
30 Sit ups
Aim to spit reps 15x15 each round until failure then split as needed
Saturday 24th April
A) Upper body accessory
3 rounds for quality
10 BB bicep curl
10 BB skull crusher
10 narrow grip press up release
20sec elbow plank
B) Lower body accessory
3 rounds for quality
10 BB left leg lunge
10 BB right leg lunge
10 rebound squat jumps
20sec squat pulse
B) 5 rounds for max reps. Each station is 60s long with no prescribed rest
1. BB Back squats
2. Weighted sit up
4. Burpees
5. BB thrusters
6. Rest
Sunday 25th April
Weather permitting this session will take place in the outdoor studio 😍
A) 6min Alt EMOM
1. 200m Run
2. 10 Down ups
Reduce distance / reps if needed
B) 24min Partner AMRAP – split reps as needed unless stated
60 Plate GTOH
20 sync plank ups
60 KB swings
20 sync press ups
60 OH plate lunge
20 sync squat jumps
60 Box Jumps
20 plank shoulder taps
C) 6min Alt EMOM
1. 200m Run
2. 20 Sit ups