Studio WOD’s week commencing 26th April 2021

Monday 26th April


Buy in = 30sec Squat Hold / 30sec Borrower Squat repeat x2

Into 3 rounds of:

15 Banded squats 

15 Standing side leg raises (L) 

15 Standing side leg raises (R)

15 Glute kickback (L)

15 Glute kickback (R) 

Cash out = 30sec Squat Hold / 30sec rebound squat jumps repeat x 2


Buy in = 30sec extended plank / 30sec elbow plank repeat x 2

Into 3 rounds of:

15 Frontal raise 

15 Tricep extension

15 Press up release 

15 Hot hands 

Cash out = 30sec mountain climbers / 30secs pommel jumps repeat x 2 


Buy in = 30sec hollow hold / 30secs Russian twists repeat x 2

Into 3 rounds of:

15 Sit ups 

15 Knee 2 elbow crunch

15 Flutter kicks 

15 Oblique twist

Cash out = 30sec bicycle slow motion / 30sec bicycle sprint repeat x 2


15sec b2b on each movement x 4 rounds 




Tuesday 27th April

Using a KB

Part A)

1 swing / 9 push press / 5 push ups

2 swings / 8 push press / 5 push ups

3 swings / 7 push press / 5 push ups

4 swings / 6 push press / 5 push ups

5 swings / 5 push press / 5 push ups

6 swings / 4 push press / 5 push ups

7 swings / 3 push press / 5 push ups

8 swings / 2 push press / 5 push ups

9 swings / 1 push press / 5 push ups


Complete Down ups until everyone in the class is finished.

On completion of the final person…


CORE BLAST x 5 rounds 

10 KB sit ups 

10 KB leg lowers 

10 lank KB Drags



Going every 90sec for 14 alternating rounds:


4-Down ups

8-KB Lunges

12-KB Squats


4-Walk out press ups

8-Russian KB Swing

12-KB Push Press


Wednesday 28th April

Using a BB

Legs – 3 Rounds

45sec BB Back Squat

15sec Squat hold 

45sec BB Back Squat

15sec Squat pulse 

30secs rest between rounds


Upper body - 3 rounds

Rest 15sec between movements 

Bicep curl into hold (20sec / 10sec)

Strict press into hold (20sec / 10sec)

Frontal raise into hold (20sec / 10sec)


Posterior Change

45secs work : 15 secs rest – 3 rounds

Tempo Deadlift

Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squat

Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squat

Calf Raise


Conditioning - in pairs

2 Rounds of:

30 plate frontal raise (sync)

15 burpees (split)

30 plate tricep extension (sync)

15 burpees (split)

30 plate vampire sit ups (sync)

15 burpees (split)

30 plate Upright Row (sync)

15 burpees (split)


Thursday 29th April


3 rounds going 

R1 = DB 40sec, BW 20sec / 15sec rest between exercises 

Repeat each interval x 2 – 1 on each arm/leg

R2 = DB 30sec, BW 15sec / 10sec rest between exercises

Repeat each interval x 2 – 1 on each arm/leg

R3 = DB 20sec, BW 10sec / 5sec rest between exercises

Repeat each interval x 2 – 1 on each arm/leg

1. DB Push Press / Plank Shoulder Taps

2. DB Clean / Press ups

3. DB Clean & Press / Down ups

4. DB Squat / Squat Jumps

5. DB OH Lunge / Lunge Jumps 

6. DB Deadlift / Burpee


In teams of 2:

Accumulate 50 DB Devil Press (between you)

EMOM in sync including 0 perform 6 Alt arm DB Snatch


Friday 30th April


Alternating Minutes

15 KB Goblet Squat – Max KB Lunges in remaining time


18min AMRAP 

80 KB Thrusters

25 Sync Squat Jumps

80 KB Side Bends

25 Sync Plank Shoulder Taps

80 KB Swings

25 Sync Press ups

80 KB Reverse Curl

25 Sync Knee Tucks


Alternating Minutes

15 KB Push Press – Max KB Devil Press in remaining time


Saturday 1st May

12min AMRAP of 

12 DB Alt arm Snatches
8 DB Alt arm SDHP
4 Alt arm DB Devil Press

Rest 2mins

8min EMOM 
1. 15 KB sit ups
2. Elbow plank (40s)
3. 15 KB oblique twists
4. Extended plank (40s)

Rest 2min

12min AMRAP
Split as needed

40 DB Goblet Squats

10 Burpee Box Jumps

40 DB Push Press

10 Burpee Box Jumps

40 DB Goblet Lunges

10 Burpee Box Jumps

Sunday 2nd May 

3x10min Partner AMRAP’s

A) In a 10min window

Buy in: 50 Burpees (split)

Into AMRAP in remaining time

30 KB Swings (split)

20 KB Snatch (split)

10 Sync Squat Jumps

Rest 2min

B) In a 10min window

Buy in: 75 MB Slams (split)

Into AMRAP in remaining time

40 Cal Row/Ski (split)

30 MB Thrusters (split)

20 Sync Sit ups

Rest 2min

C) In a 10min window

Buy in: 100 Lunge Jumps (split)

Into AMRAP in remaining time

50 BB Push Press (split)

40 BB Floor Press (split)

30s Sync Plank Hold