Studio WOD’s week commencing 3rd may 2021

Monday 3rd May 

A) Partner Alternating EMOM for 10mins

10 KB swings

10 KB push press

Into MAX REPS – Air Squat



1 Lap Run (together)

100 Weighted sit ups


60 Box jumps

40 Burpees

20 Sync press up release

40 Cal row / ski

60 Weighted box step ups

80 KB clean & press

100 Weighted reverse curl

1 Lap Run (together) 

Tuesday 4th May 

If weather is nice- sessions to take place in outdoor studio 

A)    6min Alt EMOM 

1.     200m Run

2.     10 Down ups

Reduce distance / reps if needed

B)    24min Partner AMRAP – split reps as needed unless stated

 60 Plate GTOH

20 sync plank ups

60 KB swings

20 sync press ups

60 OH plate lunge

20 sync squat jumps

60 Box Jumps

20 plank shoulder taps

 C)    6min Alt EMOM

1.     200m Run

2.     20 Sit ups

Wednesday 5th May

A) 16 Rounds for time 

1+2 / 5+6 / 9+10 / 13+14

12 DB Deadlift 

9 DB Hang snatch 


3 DB Devil press

Alt arms each round 

3+4 / 7+8 / 11+12 / 15+16

12 DB Bent over row 

9 DB Hang Squat clean


3 DB Thrusters

B) 8min slow AMRAP 

10 DB plank drags

10 weighted sit ups 

20sec hollow hold 

Thursday 6th May 

A) Lower body toning 


Glute bridge (banded)

Banded squat 

B) Core intervals 20/10 x 3 rounds 

Reverse curl 

Leg lowers 

Elbow plank 

Extended plank 

C) Conditioning 

EMOM - 24min 

Work 40s : Rest 20s 

    1.    Box jumps / step ups 

    2.    KB swings 

    3.    Weighted reverse lunge 

    4.    Devils press

Friday 7th May 

30min AMRAP

200m run

100 KB Swings

80 KB Goblet Squats 

60 Single Arm KB Push Press

40 KB Snatch

20 Double KB Squat

10 Double KB Burpee Deadlift

Every 5 mins - IN SYNC 

15 Air squats

10 Press ups

5 Burpees 

Saturday 8th May 

A) 10-1

DB snatch 

Sit ups

B) conditioning 

1min work / 1min rest for 10mins

8 DB hang clean and press

8 DB goblet squats 

AMREP Burpees 

1min work / 1min rest for 10mins 

8 DB alt arm snatch 

8 DB lunges

AMREP Press ups 

C) HIIT - 20s on / 10s off x 3 rounds 

    1.    Left arm push press

    2.    Right arm push press

    3.    Press ups 

    4.    Extended plank

Sunday 9th May 

Team Workout

Rolling clock - alternating minutes 


20 KB STOH - max press up 


20 KB goblet Squats - max squats jumps 


20 Russian swing - max burpees 


20 KB single arm switch - max sit ups